Wednesday, January 27, 2010

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

"Today we remember all of the victims of the Nazi regime, all those who were robbed of their dignity, their health, their worldly possessions and, indeed, of their lives. European Jews, Gypsy and Roma, people with disabilities, forced laborers, homosexuals, political dissenters, artists, academics, all those people who were vilified and persecuted as enemies of National Socialism"
--German Bundestag President Dr. Norbert Lammert

"Never again a racist doctrine. Never again the feeling of superiority. Never again a so-called divine authority to incite, murder, scorn the law, deny God and the Holocaust. Never again ignore blood-thirsty dictators hiding behind demagogical masks, who utter murderous slogans."
--Israeli President Shimon Peres


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