Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Iran Defends Human Rights Record Before U.N. Council

This article talks about recent human rights conversations between Iran and the United Nations. The article is an interesting example of the world popularity surrounding human rights. Representatives from Iran make the claim that the situation of human rights has been consistently used as a tool to apply pressure against them by some Western governments. While the UN states that human rights violations are indeed still happening in Iran, the Iranian representatives bring up an interesting point. Fighting for human rights has given Western government’s great legitimacy within their own nation, to enter other nations. In this specific situation, it is made clear by multiple professionals that Iran is indeed violating and needs to be stopped but the battle between nations to secure human rights seems ongoing and rather subjective. There is clear a disadvantage to any nation that outwardly violates human rights and the pressure put on them by other nations can me strong. Because human rights atrocities are currently popular global issues, Western governments can make human rights violation claims to their public and gain momentum to enter the nation that is violating the rights. Again, this concept is very subjective and may not be the case with Iran, but it is interesting that Iran argued this point.

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