Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Insufficient Evidence for FGM in Islam

Throughout our discussions in class, some support for FGM has come from religion and the need for a woman to be chaste. I would like to focus on Islam and the evidence, or lack there of for FGM.
I have studied the Qur'an and found no concrete evidence supporting such practices. The practice of FGM pre-dates Islam and was integrated into the religion in the Hadith, or traditions of the Prophet Muhammad. In Islam there is not hierarchy of leadership, so there is no final word on topics such as this, a Muslim may consult many leaders and find many different interpretations on such subjects. Some subjects like "how many times of day should I pray?" are easily answered and supported by evidence in the Qur'an or the Words of God, but when there is not clear answer to a question found in the Qur'an, the second place to consult is the Hadith, which is a collection of traditions of the Prophet Muhammad.
It is found in the Hadith that the Prophet Muhammad told a woman who performed circumcisions in Medina "Do not cut too severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband." This Hadith could be interpreted on both sides, first that the Prophet supported FGM, but was cautious as to how severely it was done and second could be understood as the Prophet allowing such an act if it must be done, but including information that it is better for a woman if less is cut but eluding that i would be best if none is cut at all, and in turn better for husbands.
I believe using religion as a justification for FGM is would make a person a hypocrite. In the Qur'an it is stated "It is Allah Who has made for you the earth as a resting place and the sky as a canopy, and has given you shape - and made your shape beautiful"(40:64) as well as acknowledging that Allah "...Who makes excellent everything He creates." (32:6-7) So this would suggest that God has created humans including women in a form that is how we are intended to be and any changes made to our bodies are going against what God intended us to be.


  1. Unfortunately, you are wrong. Until two years ago, Al-Azhar University imams said that FGM was MANDATORY for all Shafi'i Sunni women. The overall world map of FGM overlays the map of Shafi'i Sunni Islam PERFECTLY.

    FGM did not begin with Islam, but the Shafi'i Sunni Islamic brand spread it to every country in which it is a majority: the Nile Littoral, the country of Mali, parts of Indonesia, and the Kurdish area of Iraq.

    Two years ago, under huge international pressure, the imams backed down, but there is still an ugly and furious argument about it in MALE imamic circles.

    Quoting the sweeter verses of the Qur'an won't help. It's the present and former MALE imams who USED Islam to spread it, because it makes women easier to control.

    Only when Muslims go to the streets in massive numbers and demand that the leaders of ALL branches of Islam granted absolute equal rights to women and an absolute end to this.

    It will not stop, however, on the testimony of women alone. It will only stop when Muslim fathers stop it.

    Also, there is NO evidence that the hadith you quote came from a woman who performed such circumcisions. The original Arabic indicates it came from a man who wanted it.

    Meggie, really, do not spread this kind of lie and try to cover it with quotes from the Qur'an that make it look all so lovely.

    The Prophet sold out for political peace among warring tribes, and JUST LIKE TODAY, the currency of appeasement was the rights of women.

    All through the history of Islam and Christanity, too, the major bargaining chip for power brokers has been the male ownership of and control of women. 'If you swear allegiance,' the story goes, 'we will make sure you can do anything you like with women.'

    This is what has just happened with Karzai in Iraq. He wanted to get elected. The Shi'a men in the country said they wanted the right to starve their women if they did not have sex with them as often as they wanted. THEY SAID ISLAM GAVE THEM THAT RIGHT. Nobody in the Islamic world argued with them. And Karzai gave them this right. That is not having a wife. That is a man having a portable sex machine he gets to used whenever he likes.

    It's up to Muslims to stop writing stupid, exculpatory posts like the one you just wrote and to absolutely GO TO WAR over this issue.

    You want to do jihad right? Do that.

  2. I understand your concern with Islam and the abuse of power many leaders take advatage of, but I don't appreciate the personal attack on me and my beliefs. I read the Quran and understand it for what it is, not the misinterpreted or misguided ideas of the male elites in the countries you speak of. You should try to be more open to others interpretations and ideas.
