Monday, May 3, 2010

Attacks on Girls at 3 Afghanistan Schools

At three high schools in Afghanistan, poison was blown into the schools causing vomiting and fainting. 124 girls had to be taken to the hospital. Although the Taliban has denied responsibility, the girls and teachers are certain the Taliban was responsible for the attack. Toxicologists are investigating, but it is not yet clear how the poison was released. What is clear is that this was an attack against innocent, defenseless people. The teachers and girls who were attacked at the schools had done nothing to warrant this attack. They only wanted to better their lives and opportunities. Surprisingly, the attacks have not weakened the overall resolve of the students or their parents. While some parents are wary as to whether or not to send their daughters back to school, 80% of the student body of one school showed up to school. Some of the girls see getting an education as their way of getting revenge upon those who are attacking them. Their resolve is truly remarkable. These students recognize that they are the future of Afghanistan and believe that the risk is worth getting an education. Stories of attacks on innocent girls, and how common such attacks are, make me realize how lucky I am to live in a country where girls can get an education without fear of attempts on their lives.

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