Monday, May 3, 2010

Iraq: Detainees Describe Torture in Secret Jail

Introduction to the Death Penalty in the United States

More news has come out about torture in Iraq. The article comes from the Human rights watch news. It talks about how many officials, at all levels were involved, and this will be looked at very closely as more stories get out. Detainees were being held in a secret Baghdad detention facility were hung upside-down, deprived of air, kicked, whipped, given electric shocks, and sodomized. The article also stated, “Most of the 300 displayed fresh scars and injuries they said were a result of routine and systematic torture they had experienced at the hands of interrogators at Muthanna.” Of the 300 people 42 were interviewed by humans rights watch. The article tells some of the stories they were told by the detainees. It is disturbing thinking that even after the confessions were made, false or not, the torture continued. Some people were forced to sign false statements and accused of aiding and abetting terrorism. Each story was different but in the end all the stories were the same. Torture may not be very powerful when it comes to the use but when it comes to human rights and the basic rights you have it’s become a very powerful and disturbing tool today.

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