Friday, March 26, 2010

Saudi Arabia Stepping forward?

Hissa Hilal, a Saudi mother of 4 speaks out publicly against Muslim clerics. On the popular Arabic T.V. show “Millions Poet Contest” where poets compete for prize money judged by both a panel and their peers Hilal is surprisingly the favorite to win next weeks finals. Speaking to a gender separated audience cloaked in black she criticizes religious leaders. It is surprising that she has gotten this far without and repercussions from the government or religious hard liners. Although she receives death threats and hate mail. Many people, especially women are empowered by her openness and determination to speak out against what she believes a perversion of her faith and abuse of religious power.

It is rare to see a Saudi woman on television or photos, and much less rare that she would be the main subject of such an event, voicing her opinion through poetry and speaking out against male elites. It will be interesting to see if she wins the finals, and if her voice and message will be heard in the Saudi government.

Her recent poem against the “ad-hoc extreamists” read in English:

“I have seen evil from the eyes of the subversive fatwas in a time when what is lawful is confused with what is not lawful;

When I unveil the truth, a monster appears from his hiding place; barbaric in thinking and action, angry and blind; wearing death as a dress and covering it with a belt [referring to suicide bombing];

He speaks from an official, powerful platform, terrorising people and preying on everyone seeking peace; the voice of courage ran away and the truth is cornered and silent, when self-interest prevented one from speaking the truth.”

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