Thursday, April 22, 2010

Human Rights in the News: The Environment

During our discussions on the environment we talked about whether we have a right to a clean environment. We talked about shaming people into doing the right thing when it came to recycling and conserving would be an effective way to get people thinking about the environment. However, it is hard for individuals to speak out in favor of the environment and get a lot of people to hear you at one time. This may start to change in our world after the Supreme Court in the Philippines issued new rules on how the courts must handle cases that have to do with the environment. Instead of special courts to deal with environmental issues these issues will now be heard in the regular courts, giving more importance to them. The way it will be set up will allow average citizens to take legal action when it involves the environment. Citizens will be able to take action when they see that the government is slacking on their duties. What better way to shame people into action then by suing them? This ruling is believed to be the first of its kind in the world. Do you think that other countries will take the lead of the Philippines and passed similar laws? Should the right to a clean environment be something we have the right sue over?

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