Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Taking on Westboro Baptist Church

(Photo: Associated Press, file)

Many might have already heard of the Phelps family and their hateful demonstrations against gay funerals of gay soldiers. If one would watch an example of their demonstration on Youtube, one can't help but think, how can these people have the heart to say extreme words like "God hates fags."

Recently, the lawsuit between Albert Snyder and the church resurfaced as the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case again. Snyder embarked on a journey four years ago to take on the Phelps family and became the first to sue the church to stop them from demonstrating. His son, Matthew Snyder died of a Humvee accident in Iraq. Snyder's son was not gay but to the Phelps family, "any dead soldier is a fair game."

Touching on a topic previously mentioned by Rebecca, where should the line be drawn in regards to freedom of speech? The Phelps family was restricted to a certain distance from any funeral after a legislation was passed to control their demonstrations, yet, the taunting of their hateful words will still affect family members of the deceased. Can't the law, which is supposed to protect us from harm, do anything more than the restriction?

It'll be exciting to see how this case turns out. Will the court system do justice to the Snyders?

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