Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Presidential Candidate Is Arrested in Rwanda


This article is a great example of liberal versus illiberal democracy. The article explains that Rwanda presidential candidate; Victoire Ingabire, was recently arrested and charged with genocide ideology, divisionism and cooperating with the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda. The article does not clearly express which party, the current government or Ingabrie, is in the wrong. Her staff and supporters argue that she is simply in opposition to the Tutsis party currently in government. In a true liberal state, being arrested for being in the opposition would not be allowed and the right of freedom of speech would be violated in this case. However, if the current government could prove a conspiracy type situation and safety concern surrounding the candidate, the government may have legitimacy in arresting her. This situation exemplifies the issues surrounding illiberal democracies and unfair elections and also exemplifies the gray areas surrounding these issues. “Investigators have interrogated her several times on suspicion of instigating ethnic divisions. She said in an interview last month that she was being persecuted for simply challenging the government.” Each party can argue a case in favor of their actions; however, the arrest is evidence that the Rwanda democracy is indeed illiberal.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Honorable Person, or Persons.

    If it feels like treason to America. Acts like treason. Harms like treason. But it's not treason then what is it? Treason is performing overt acts to help the enemies of one's country or government: Acting to aid a hostile power is treason. So then if we can agree on that as a definition of treason, wouldn't then my experience of dealing with CIGNA Insurance Company over my Long Term Disability be considered as corporate treason against country and country man?

    Are politicians who support this behavior of pleasing Wall Street at the expense of the American tax payers for the benefit of self at the expense of country and country man the America we've become?

    Awareness is essential. Can corporations be charged with treason? So if it's not corporate treason to America then what is it called? Can or should politicians also be charged or not able to be reelected if caught supporting treason?

    YouTube video of a former CIGNA Vice President Wendell Potter explains;

    Michael, 612-965-6729
